An Alliance of Innovative Enterprises
Creating Value and Sustainable Opportunities
Renewglobal's sustainable livelihoods services are developed and delivered through innovative partnerships and alliances with educational, community, corporate, faith-based, public and private sector partners all of whom are stakeholders in revitalizing and strengthening marginalized families and communities.
Provide learning circles networking opportunities for asset-limited individuals.
Organize regional and statewide meetings or conferences to bring key organizations and individuals together.
Unite sustainable livelihood advocates and educate members on the impact of sustainability on family and youth development, financial literacy and microenterprise development.
Bridge collaboration among and between economic development, social service, workforce, education and grassroots groups.
Provide funding on a competitive basis to micro-entrepreneurs as funding permits.
Share information on funding sources as available and appropriate.
Support crowdfunding and equity funding of selected projects.
Share premier business, affliate marketing and asset building opportunities.
Build the capacity of members to share resources and financial tools.
Provide technical assistance and resources to member nonprofit programs to grow and improve their capacity.
Identify and share best practice methods, resources and tools.
Provide learning opportunities for practitioners to improve operations.
Capacity Building